Rabies is a viral disease transmitted to humans usually by a bite or scratch from an infected animal (usually a dog). The virus attacks the central nervous system causing, progressive damage to the brain and spinal cord. The incubation period for rabies is usually 3-12 weeks There is currently no test for rabies before symptoms show, but once symptoms are present, rabies is almost always fatal.
Human rabies cases are often unreported, so providing reliable figures on the incidence worldwide is difficult. The disease is estimated to cause 59,000 human deaths annually. Rabies is rare in travellers with only 25 human deaths in the UK from imported rabies since 1946. Although rabies cases are rare in travellers, animal bites and scratches are common. Travellers visiting areas where rabies occurs must be aware of the risk and know what to do if they are bitten or scratched. The disease is preventable if the correct post-exposure treatment (PET) is provided quickly. PET can be expensive and difficult to obtain in some areas.
What Vaccines are available?
There are 2 types of rabies vaccine used in the UK. You can check the ingredients in the patient leaflet:
Rabipur rabies vaccine patient leaflet (Electronic Medicines Compendium website)
Verorab rabies vaccine patient leaflet (Electronic Medicines Compendium website)
Vaccine Schedules
Children and adults of all ages
Conventional schedule (3 doses of VERORAB or RABIPUR Vaccine)
Dose 1: Day 0
Dose 2: Day 7
Dose 3: Day 21 or 28
Accelerated schedule for individuals aged 18-65 years (4 doses of RABIPUR Vaccine)
Dose 1: Day 0
Dose 2: Day 3
Dose 3: Day 7
Dose 4: Month 12
Protection Duration: Booster is recommended every 2-5 years
How far in advance do I need to book my vaccine for my trip?
You can have the vaccine last up to the day before traveling.
Contact with wild or domestic animals during travel should be avoided. Travelers should also be advised:
Not to approach animals.
not to attempt to pick up an unusually tame animal or one that appears to be unwell.
not to attract stray animals by offering food or by being careless with litter.
be aware that certain activities may attract dogs (e.g. running, cycling).
When should you seek medical attention?
You cannot know if the animal is infected with the rabies virus therefore you must seek medical attention immediately if you have been bitten/scratched by an animal and it has broken the skin, as well as if you have been licked on a cut, or in your eye or mouth.
What treatment is needed if you do not have pre-exposure vaccines?
For medium or high-risk exposures, you may require a blood product called rabies immunoglobulin, ideally within 24 hours. This is a pooled blood product from immunized people that is injected near the wound to neutralize the rabies virus. Availability and quality of rabies immunoglobulin can vary widely, so you may need to travel to another country or consider alternative treatment options. Even if you receive rabies immunoglobulin, prompt vaccination is still essential.
What treatment is needed if you have had the vaccines before traveling?
If you have been bitten/scratched by an animal and you have had three pre-exposure vaccines, you need two doses of the rabies vaccine, given 2-3 days apart. This vaccine is readily available and will help your body quickly recognize and fight off the rabies virus.
Is it worth having a single dose of rabies if you cannot complete the schedule before you travel?
Yes, even a single dose of the rabies vaccine can provide some level of protection, especially if you're traveling to a high-risk area. While it's not as effective as the full schedule, it can help reduce your risk of rabies if you're exposed.
Need other vaccines?
Please click on the links below for travel vaccination requirements/ advice.
For vaccine recommendations and information on conditions based on destinations:https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/countries
For vaccine lifespan:https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/travel-vaccinations/jabs/
Antimalarials (Maloff Protect): For adults you can buy these over the counter after the consultation at £2 per tablet. For children please enquire.
Need to book more than one vaccine?
Please make a booking for a single vaccine and leave a note with the booking for the other vaccines you require. We will reserve the vaccines and call you if there are any issues.
Note: We offer a 5% discount for cash payments.
Please make sure you fill in the form in the appointment confirmation which you will recieve (as a link). This will allow us to do a risk assessement before your arrive and check all your travel requirements for a swift & safe appointment.
Any cancellation or rescheduling within 48 hours before the appointment will incur a charge of 20% of the total service cost and missed appointments will be deemed non-refundable.