Hepatitis A junior
Hepatitis A is a highly infectious virus that can cause inflammation of the liver. The virus is usually transmitted through food or water contaminated by human faeces or by direct contact with an infectious person. Hepatitis A is rare in the UK with most cases occurring in travellers who have recently visited countries where the disease is common.
Areas with high levels of infection include low-income countries that may have relatively poor sanitary conditions and hygiene practices. These areas include: the Indian subcontinent, Sub-Saharan and North Africa, parts of the Far East, South and Central America, and the Middle East.
Certain travellers are at increased risk of acquiring hepatitis A, including:
Those who are staying with or visiting the local population
Frequent and/or long-stay travellers to areas where sanitation and food hygiene are likely to be poor
Those with existing medical conditions such as liver disease or haemophilia
Men who have sex with men
People who inject drugs
Those who may be exposed to the virus through their work
Those going to areas of hepatitis A outbreaks who have limited access to safe water and medical care
Symptoms are often mild or absent in young children, but the disease becomes more serious with advancing age. Recovery can vary from weeks to months. Following hepatitis A illness, immunity is lifelong. Symptoms may include fever, loss of appetite, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), malaise and nausea.
What Vaccines are available?
Several effective inactivated hepatitis A vaccines are available for travellers intending to visit areas where hepatitis A is common. Some of these vaccines are combined with either hepatitis B or typhoid.
Vaccine Schedules
Children aged 1 - 15 years: (two doses)
Dose 1: Day 0
Booster: Between 6 and 12 months
Protection duration: A single dose offers short-term protection, booster will provide 25 years of protection.
How far in advance do I need to book my vaccine for my trip?
2 weeks before is preferable, but you can have the vaccine last up to the day before traveling.
Click here to view adult Hep A infomation/booking.
The most common mode of infection in travelers is the consumption of contaminated food or water. The risk of acquiring hepatitis A can be reduced by ensuring good personal hygiene and following advice on the prevention of food and water-borne diseases.
Need other vaccines?
Please click on the links below for travel vaccination requirements/ advice.
For vaccine recommendations and information on conditions based on destinations:https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/countries
For vaccine lifespan:https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/travel-vaccinations/jabs/
Antimalarials (Maloff Protect): For adults you can buy these over the counter after the consultation at £2 per tablet. For children please enquire.
Need to book more than one vaccine?
Please make a booking for a single vaccine and leave a note with the booking for the other vaccines you require. We will reserve the vaccines and call you if there are any issues.
Note: We offer a 5% discount for cash payments.
Please make sure you fill in the form in the appointment confirmation which you will recieve (as a link). This will allow us to do a risk assessement before your arrive and check all your travel requirements for a swift & safe appointment.
Any cancellation or rescheduling within 48 hours before the appointment will incur a charge of 20% of the total service cost and missed appointments will be deemed non-refundable.